



你有蚂蚁困扰吗? Many products sold in stores fail to kill more than 10% of the colony, 这就是为什么这个问题总是会出现的原因吗. When you need a professional ant exterminator in 夏洛特, 罗利, or 格林斯博罗,鼠尾草十大网赌靠谱平台网站提供有效 防治虫鼠方案 使用最好的产品.



Seeing a line of ants in cabinets or areas with food isn’t necessarily a sign of an ant infestation that requires the help of professional ant control experts. 发现蚂蚁寻找食物是很常见的, 特别是在温暖的月份, 这些蚂蚁很容易被消灭. 然而, if you discover large quantities of ants in your pantry or cabinets, 或者是木蚁啃木头, 这可能是 sign of an ant infestation and it might be time to call the exterminator.

Once the exterminator determines the species of ant and where they’re coming from, they can form a plan and administer treatment to take care of the problem. It’s important that you pay attention to the particular problem so you can call an exterminator before it’s too late and the damage has been done. 鼠尾草病虫害防治 is here to help not just with your ant problem, but any pest that might be tormenting your home. Contact our 夏洛特 ant control technicians 今天 to rid yourself of these 讨厌的害虫和拯救你的家从不受欢迎的客人.

如果你在蚂蚁问题上需要帮助,请打电话 (704) 413-3398 to 进度蚁控制 in 夏洛特, 罗利, 格林斯博罗 and the surrounding areas.

十大网赌靠谱平台网站 探索十大网赌靠谱平台网站服务,找到你所需要的


鼠尾草病虫害防治 technicians properly inspect your home to locate the colony for lasting ant control. 我们给十大网赌靠谱平台网站团队足够的时间来彻底完成工作. We have the training and attention to detail required to perform a complete inspection, 找到任何蚁群, 并提供最有效的治疗.


  • 黑蚂蚁 ——小, slower moving shiny black ants that tend to come inside in search of food
  • 杂技演员蚂蚁 – About 1/8” long with colors that range from light 淡黄色的-brown to multicolored to black
  • 木蚁 ——破坏性的, 大型黑色食木种, 淡黄色的, 或者长到半英寸长的红蚂蚁
  • 人行道上的蚂蚁 -深褐色至黑色蚂蚁, generally found in sidewalk cracks or under concrete slabs, that enter buildings through cracks in slabs or foundations
  • 臭蚂蚁 -深褐色至黑色蚂蚁 that grow to 1/8” and give off a coconut odor when crushed
  • 鬼蚂蚁 ——小 ants with a dark head and pale legs and abdomen that are often found in kitchens and bathrooms
  • 阿根廷蚂蚁 ——小, dark brown or black ants that grow to up to ¼” and live in very large colonies
  • 火蚁 ——小, 深红棕色蚂蚁,长到3/8英寸, 住在大土堆里, 并成群结队地诱捕受害者


当涉及到 火蚁, they can be very difficult to get rid of due to the size and extent of their colonies. What this means is that even if one of their queens or part of the colony get killed off, there is usually another queen and the other part of the colony can just move in to occupy the space.


  • 你会注意到火蚁工蚁或蚁群
  • You notice sandy mounds of earth in your yard, especially after recent rain
  • You are hearing complaints of people being stung on your property

Due to the painful nature of their sting and the fact that they can be somewhat dangerous for your family and pets, it is best to call a professional 夏洛特 fire ant exterminator to get rid of the problem before it gets any worse. 鼠尾草病虫害防治 is experienced in removing 火蚁 from properties 整个北卡罗来纳. 呼叫。 (704) 413-3398 今天!


除了烦人之外, ants can bring so many other problems into your 夏洛特 home, 吃你的食物, 家具, 以及他们能找到的任何东西. 这就是为什么要考虑蚂蚁控制. 有时候你的蚂蚁问题很容易解决,但是 sometimes it’s more serious and needs the work of an exterminator to eliminate. It is important to learn about the signs of when an ant exterminator is needed to save your home from an ant infestation.


Our 夏洛特 ant control experts are fully trained and qualified to provide effective ant control services that get rid of them both quickly and efficiently. We provide ongoing weekly training to ensure that our technicians are up to date on the latest advances, 方法, 治疗, 和产品在十大网赌靠谱平台网站行业.

Our 蚂蚁控制 Experts Use Integrated Pest Management Strategies That Include:

  • 鱼饵
  • 喷雾
  • 排除
  • 预防

When you need an ant exterminator in 夏洛特, call 鼠尾草病虫害防治 for the best in the business.


At Sage Pest control we focus on eliminating the ant colony by using the best, eco-friendly products available that are both safe and effective.

蚂蚁控制 Efforts Can Be Ineffective for a Few Reasons:

  • The products sold in stores are far less effective for eliminating the colony than professional 方法.
  • Even some professionals fail to completely eradicate ants because they use only one or two 方法. While this may work in the short term, the colony will eventually resurface.


为了得到 消灭蚂蚁,防止它们再回来你需要找到并消灭蚁群. Killing only the ants you see won’t work, and they will keep coming back. Depending on the species, ants can forage up to 150 feet from the colony. This makes locating and eliminating ant colonies challenging, and most companies don’t take the time to find the colony. Our technicians will identify the type of ants in your home and provide the most effective ant control solution for your problem.

安全 & 夏洛特有效的蚂蚁控制服务 & 除了

鼠尾草病虫害防治 shares our customers’ concerns about the environment and the safety of humans and their pets. 我们致力提供环保服务. Our 夏洛特 ant control technicians use the safest and most effective pest control products to eliminate your ant problem and keep them from coming back.

与我们联系 今天在 (704) 413-3398 for a free phone estimate for ant removal services in 夏洛特, 达勒姆, 罗利, 加斯托尼亚, 格林斯博罗, 康科德等等。.

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